Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Biography Prof.Dr. Soepomo

         Prof. Mr. Dr. Soepomo an Indonesian national hero known as the framers of the Constitution of 1945, with Muhammad Yamin and Suekarno. He was born in Sukoharjo, Central Java, January 22, 1903 and died in Jakarta, 12 September 1958 at the age of 55 years. He came from a gentry. Paternal grandfather was Raden Tumenggung Reksowardo (Bupati Anom Sukoharjo) while his maternal grandfather was Raden Tumenggung Wirjodiprodjo, Sragen Regent Nayaka.
Educational HistorySoepomo was educated at elite schools in the Dutch era. After finishing his education he melanjutkandi basic ELS (Europeesche Lagere School) Boyolali in 1917, MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijs) in Solo in 1920 and completed vocational education law in Bataviasche Rechtsopleidingschool in Batavia in 1923. He was later appointed as an employee of the Dutch East Indies colonial government servants who had been Chairman of the District Court in Sragen. Between 1924 and 1927 Soepomo had the opportunity to continue their education to the Rijksuniversiteit Leiden in the Netherlands under the guidance of Cornelis van Vollenhoven, professor of law known as the "architect" science of Indonesia and the customary law of international legal experts, one of the drafter League of Nations.
His doctoral thesis entitled Reorganisatie van het in het Gewest Agrarisch stelsel Surakarta (Reorganization of the agrarian system in the region of Surakarta) is not just peel the traditional agrarian systems in Surakarta, but also sharply analyze colonial laws relating to land in the region of Surakarta. Written in Dutch, Soepomo criticism of the colonial discourse on agrarian transition process is wrapped in a subtle and indirect. According to Marsilam Simanjuntak Soepomo admired German and Japanese governance systems. He argues that the government "New Order" in the days of Suharto is a country that aspired Soepomo. Soepomo died young of a heart attack in Jakarta in 1958 and was buried in Solo.